Since the introduction of the Learning Buddies Network in 2008, we have helped nearly 5000 children from more than 30 schools and organizations across the Lower Mainland.
Research shows that well implemented mentoring programs can result in significant improvement on standardized measures of reading and math achievement. Such programs not only improve test scores, but have a positive impact on student attitudes toward academic skills as well as on learning in general. The strong relationships formed with volunteer mentors enhances self esteem and suggest the mentoring program contributes to long term success in school. Our approach at Learning Buddies Network is to initiate early intervention into the lives of students who would otherwise not receive the help they need.
Equal to the learning outcomes, a second impact of our program is to promote and build volunteerism in young adults around the lower mainland. Every year, we train and support over 300 young people as reading and math mentors, many of whom stay with us for multiple terms. LBN encourages our volunteers to use their own talents and creativity. Many seek leadership positions and learn valuable personal skills. We are proud that our volunteers become leaders and active global citizens.