Moving Forward From a Disappointing Grade/Mark
Source: Unsplash (@thoughtcatalog)
Regardless of one’s academic capability, it is very probable that one may have times in life when a grade ends up disappointing. This is very common and is a shared experience for everyone.
According to a blog written by the University of New Hampshire, they recommend these five tips to help someone move forward from a disappointing grade.
1. Don’t linger on it or let it impact your other work
Often, a disappointing grade may be a precursor to rumination and can create a spiral of panic. This also leads a person to perform at a poorer rate in the future. In an article by Harvard Business Review, they state “The way we handle disappointment is related to our developmental history — our relationship with our parents and other early, formative experiences.” Many people linger on disappointing marks because their parents may put too much pressure and worth on a grade. Be sure to allocate some time to reflect on the reasons behind the grade you received. Did you encounter difficulties with the subject matter? Understanding what went awry can assist you in preventing the repetition of the same errors in the future. It is important to understand that this “bad” grade is only a learning experience and is an opportunity to improve in the future.
2. Go out and do something active
Taking a break to engage in positive activities can help you recover and approach the situation with a more relaxed mind. However, it's important to note that ignoring or denying the issue is not a solution. Take this time to engage in self-care and come back ready to learn from past experiences. Select an activity that you consider interesting and pleasurable. Exercise is an excellent way to clear your mind and shift your focus on something other than your mark. While exercising, you focus on the movements and your breath. At that moment, you are being mindful of what is going on in your body and in your surroundings. You could also plan a fun outing with loved ones who make you happy. Read a book, watch a movie, or engage in a hobby that will help you take a break from thinking of your mark.
3. Make an appointment with your professor
Speaking to a professor or teacher may help you get a better understanding as to why you received the mark you got. They can guide you and help you focus on what you can do to improve. Teachers are there to guide you and enjoy when students ask them questions. Don’t be nervous to ask because that is what they are there for.
4. Find a friend or a tutor to help you understand the material
Sometimes asking a teacher may help, but extra guidance might be needed. If you find that you are struggling after school, then it may be beneficial to hire a tutor. Tutors may be costly so you could ask your school counsellor if there is a peer tutoring system or if they know more affordable tutors. You could also study with a buddy, since having another person in the room studying with you could help hone your focus. This concept is called body doubling and is often used for individuals with ADHD. This strategy ensures that you are kept accountable and engaged. Just be sure to find a quiet environment and a study buddy that can encourage you to remain on task.
5. Carefully review the exam to see what you can do differently next time
Lastly, when you receive your results, don’t just look at the mark: try to figure out what you got wrong. Knowing what you got wrong and what you got right will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses. This will allow you to figure out which area you need to work on more. Be sure to determine what you want to achieve and set realistic goals to help you get there. Make sure your goals are specific, measurable, and achievable within a reasonable timeframe. For example, if you aim to get a good mark in your math course, you'd need to create steps to get there. You could start off by aiming to do well in the first test. You can study each day for 45 minutes and take a break for 15 minutes; then you can work again for another 20 minutes. You may also keep a pad of sticky notes for you to write down any problems that you don't understand. Setting goals is highly important because without creating a set of goals, your achievements may plateau and will not move forward.
In brief, receiving an unsatisfactory grade can be a challenging and discouraging experience, but it's important to remember that your skills and attributes are not limited to a single grade. Your grade does not determine your worth and it is always possible to find ways to improve.